Poshmark Sharing Tool

Using our Poshmark sharing tool will help get your listings seen, as well as create traffic in your closet.

Updated over a week ago

Please note that this feature is currently in beta, which means it's still undergoing testing and refinement. Your feedback and observations are highly valuable to us as we work to improve its performance and reliability. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

List Perfectly can help you with automatically sharing your Poshmark closet for increased visibility, as well as sharing other's items to help sellers engage with the community who are then more likely to share your items.

Sharing is a critical feature for sales success on Poshmark. When you share your items, Poshmark shows them towards the top of multiple pages on the site such as search results, brand pages, follower's feeds and more. Poshmark recommends sharing regularly to help with item visibility, and many sellers see sharing as the key to increased sales.

By automating sharing with List Perfectly, it’s faster, easier, and avoids the task of doing it all manually.

When using the List Perfectly Poshmark share tool, we recommend that you disable any other similar services that you may be using.

Accessing the Poshmark Sharing Tool

Poshmark Sharing Tools is currently available for Pro Plus users with the "Pro Plus Beta" version installed.

To access the Poshmark Sharing Tool, open your List Perfectly extension by clicking on the LP icon at the top right of your browser. Then, click on "Settings" in the lower right.

Next, you will click on the Poshmark icon to open your Poshmark settings. Then you will click the box next to "Poshmark Sharing" to open the sharing tool settings.

TIP: You can click on the circled question marks next to each tool setting to learn what each setting does.

Poshmark Sharing Tool Settings

Default recommended settings

  • Source of items - All pages

  • Max value per session - 48

  • Max time delay between sessions - 2

  • Time of active sharing - from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM

  • Sharing order - From top to bottom

  • Active all day - turned off

  • Schedule - turned off

Selecting your source of items

Select your source of items (where you would like to share from) by clicking the drop-down. You can select My closet, Feed page or All pages.

My Closet

Feed page

All pages

Self shares

Community shares

Hybrid self and community shares

You will share items only from your Poshmark closet.

You will share other user's items from the feed page.

You will share items from both your closet and from the feed page. (70% from your closet and 30% from the feed.)

Selecting the maximum value per session

The maximum value per session is the maximum number of items to be shared in bulk per session.

Maximum time delay between sessions

You also have the option of selecting the maximum time delay between sessions (the maximum amount of time between each bulk session). This is measured in minutes.

Sharing all available items

If you would like to share all of the items in your closet, check the box next to "share all available items."

Time of active sharing

If you would like to schedule a certain time period during the day when you share listings, you can select a customized time frame from the drop-down menus.

Sharing active all day

If you would prefer that the sharing take place all day, check the box next to "active all day."

Schedule option

When the Shedule option is enabled, the Poshmark sharing tool will be active during the time frame that you choose. Sharing will automatically start and stop with the customizable times that you set. Also, if your entire closet is shared during the share period, it will restart.

Sharing order

To select the order you would like the sharing to take place, click the drop-down menu next to "Sharing order." You can choose to share from top to bottom, bottom to top or in a random order.

Start or stop sharing

If you would like to manually start or stop sharing, you can click on the "Start sharing" or the "Stop sharing" button.

Sharing stats

You can see the sharing stats at the bottom of the share tool screen. This will tell you the status of your sharing progress.

Please note: There is a 15 minute cool-down for every 100 shares.

When you share listings, they appear higher up in search results, brand pages, and followers' feeds. This means sharing regularly can help more people discover and buy the items you share.

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